Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Bone Visage / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Bone Visage / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Ethereal Bone Visage / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Ethereal Bone Visage / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Diadem / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Diadem / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Diadem / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Diadem / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Death Mask / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Death Mask / Unmade (Ladder Only)
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Death Mask / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Death Mask / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Ethereal Bone Visage / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Diadem / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Diadem / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Death Mask / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Death Mask / +15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating