Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Monarch / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Monarch / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 0-29% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 0-29% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 30-39% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 30-39% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 40-44% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 40-44% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 45% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 45% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Monarch / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Monarch / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 0-29% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 0-29% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 30-39% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 30-39% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 40-44% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 40-44% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 45% to All Resistances / Unmade
Softcore Non-Ladder / Non Ethereal Sacred Targe 45% to All Resistances / Unmade